Having an entire private sunflower field to yourself is a pretty incredible experience! Being able to walk with your kids through the fields to see such beauty, and to be able to love on your family and really enjoy your time without interruptions. That is priceless. This is an experience in-itself to see these flowers...
Honestly, I am not sure how to write this one. It has been weighing heavy on me. The importance of photos that is. The importance of friends. Having this photography business I am aware of the relationships that I create with the families I photograph, but I wasn’t quite aware of my heart in these...
Welcome to my blog for homeschooling! I have felt the need to blog, but I get way too overwhelmed blogging about each photography session I do throughout the year with Rustic Rabbit Photography. Instead, I have decided to host my homeschooling adventures on this blog to share our adventures, products and books we love, as...
Now that things have settled down in this part of my life, I can write about my experiences with getting pregnant after a miscarriage. November of 2019 we became pregnant with our third baby! We were so incredibly happy and excited for our youngest to become a big brother! Within two months I had all...