Honestly, I am not sure how to write this one. It has been weighing heavy on me. The importance of photos that is. The importance of friends. Having this photography business I am aware of the relationships that I create with the families I photograph, but I wasn’t quite aware of my heart in these relationships. Certain circumstances bring us together in times that we need each other most.
A dear friend and wonderful mumma passed away recently and my heart and mind still don’t know what to do or think. A bond was formed between the two of us, and with every session we did together I grew closer to a friend that was so very dear to me.
Her happiness shone through from the moment her van door opened and she was always determined to get out on her own to see me. The sheer determination to walk any distance, I am still in awe of her inspiration and love for life. Elyse, you beautiful soul. You amazing woman that was so full of happiness that it just radiated through you. I will miss our talks and our time together during your seasonal sessions with your family. You did a beautiful thing giving your family these photos of your love for them.
I am praying for your family and wishing them all the love, warmth and sunshine that you have left for them with your memories. I will always think of you in the Sunflower field.
Take care my dear, sweet friend, you will forever be missed!