The Enchanted Garden in Delburne is open and ready for sessions!

What is the Enchanted Garden?

Ever since I was little I have always been in love with the enchanting world of fairies. That is all I ever thought of. With each flower that I planted with my mom I would pretend that fairies lived amongst them. As a grown adult, I do not necessarily believe this anymore, but I do believe that their is enchantment in every part of nature and I had to do something to capture this beauty.

I started my journey in newborn photography nearly 6 years ago and 4 years ago I dived into outdoor newborn photography. I started in my personal flower beds, which were teeny tiny!! One year later I branched out into a grassy patch of my yard that was never used for anything. This 15×20 space was grass and nothing more. With some help from friends and family we whipped that space into a beautiful garden that became known as The Enchanted Garden.

You would think that after having this big garden for nearly three years that I would be satisfied, but being plant obsessed, I had other plans. This year I tore out a 15×15 space to add on to an already beautiful and abundant garden. This time with a grass circle for parents and kids to sit and relax on while they wait for newborn photos.

After being in the new part of the garden for the better part of a few months, I have decided to not stop here. I need fences, archways, and more plants!! So a fence will be put in during August, archways and gates in Septemeber and something more amazing before Wintertime!

I guess the reason for this post is that you have to start somewhere before you can even get to your bigger dreams! I will never stop dreaming, growing and developing The Enchanted Garden, nor will I stop buying plants for it 😉

If you are interested in a newborn, sitter, family or maternity session in The Enchanted Garden, you can contact me at: to book your session. The garden opens May 30th-September 15th of every year!

The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden
The Enchanted Garden


Based in Delburne, Alberta but serving all of Central Alberta